Over the past 25 years, the Kingston Historical Society has accumulated a good collection of artifacts related to the village of Kingston, NJ. Since 1998 the way we share artifacts and stories has changed. It’s time to update our archives, archive new information, collect new stories and reinvigorate the Society.

The form below is a way to show interest in volunteering. We recognize that there are many other areas that can be addressed if we have people to form a team. If any of this sounds good to you, please fill out the form below.

Kingston Historical Society Archivist Team

The archivist team has a daunting task. In years past KHS had a good number of items archived, using technology from 20 years ago. The all-volunteer team has the task of determining appropriate modern ways to archive materials for display and preservation. We are expanding to interview long-time residents and educate new Kingstonians.

We are currently meeting on evenings at the Kingston Locktender’s House to go through our backlog and collect new materials.

Adults are welcome as well as are interested teens with supervision.

Get in contact! To express interest fill out our form below.


Charlie will send an e-mail to this address to try and find a good meeting date
We are updating our collection of things, presentations, pictures and whatnots… We can use help at all levels! We can even use housebound folks to help transcribe materials.
Thanks, Charlie Dieterich
This field will help us determine how you might participate