The Locktender's House, at the Kingston Lock on the Delaware and Raritan Canal holds historical displays in its first floor rooms. The displays are closed to the public during the winter months. Weekend access will resume on April 1st.
NOTE: Rain Date Saturday, May 6th You can still register for the May 6 event at: HTTPS://WWW.KHSNJ.ORG/WALKREGISTRATION Because of heavy rain forecast for April 29, we decided to postpone the event to May 6th. Read more about it HERE
Due to heavy rain in the forecast on April 29th, the Tavern Walk has been moved to May 6th. A Saturday Afternoon walk led by George Luck, Jr. Half way between New York and Philadelphia, Kingston was a natural place for inns and taverns for travelers. The first inn/tavern was established by Henry Greenland in … Continue reading "Taverns of Kingston- a Saturday Walking Tour (new date)"