Holiday Tree Lighting, 12/5/2021

Join in the celebration! The annual Holiday Tree Lighting will happen, December 5, 2021 at the Kingston Lock, 4:30 PM with outdoor music and familiar faces! There will be music and carols outside, thanks to the Kingston Womens Chorus.

Join in the celebration! The annual Holiday Tree Lighting will happen, December 5, 2021 at the Kingston Lock, Old Lincoln Highway at the Canal. 4:30 PM with outdoor music and familiar faces! The building will not be open this year, so no refreshments, but there will be music and carols outside, thanks to the Kingston Womens Chorus.

Holiday Tree Lighting Sunday 12/5/2021 at 4:30 PM
GPS:39 Old Lincoln Highway, Princeton NJ 085430 (Kingston Lock)

Locktender’s House Open Weekends

The Kingston Locktender’s House is open to the public every weekend through the end of November.

The Locktender’s House will again be open on Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays from 10 am to 4 pm through November. The Locktender’s House is not open during the winter.

Until further notice, all visitors should respect NJ State Park policy, which requires ALL visitors to wear masks indoors.

To find the Locktender’s House on your mapping software, try this address: 39 Old Lincoln Highway, Princeton, NJ 08540

“Socially distanced” Tree Lighting (2020)

Photo of Tree by Locktender's house, with while lights draped from branches.
Christmas In Kingston

The KHS annual Holiday Open House and tree-lighting had long been a well loved Kingston Community tradition. Unfortunately, due to the Covid -19 pandemic we were unable to have our traditional Holiday Open House, but we were able to have a “socially distanced” community holiday tree lighting; furthermore, thanks to the generosity of Karin Linder, who provided new lights for the tree and the McParland family, who provided the essential lift to install them on the 65 foot tall tree (which had outgrown its old lights several years ago) the tree was properly and beautifully lighted. To celebrate and give thanks to the generosity of Karen and the McParland family a “socially distanced” tree lighting was held outside the Locktender’s House on the first Sunday in December.

New lights for the tree and, even more, installing them, had long been a challenge – the tree is 65 ft tall – just 10 ft short of that at Rockefeller Center. In addition to the McParlands, Doug Miller, George Luck, Jr, and Tom Jacoby assisted in preparing the lights.

Here are some photos from the 2019 KHS Annual Holiday Open House and Tree Lighting.

KHS Holiday Tree lighting ~ December 6, 2020

The KHS annual Holiday Open House and tree-lighting has long been a Kingston Community tradition. Unfortunately, due to the Covid -19 pandemic we were unable to have our traditional a Holiday Open House, but we were able to have a “socially distanced” holiday tree lighting; furthermore, thanks to the generosity of Karin Linder, who provided new lights and the McParland family, who provided the necessary lift to install them on the tree (which had outgrown its old lights several years ago.) New lights for the tree and, even more, installing them, had been a challenge for several years – the tree is 65 ft tall – just 10 ft short of that at Rockefeller Center. Finally, the tree has been properly and beautifully lighted.

We are most grateful to Karen and the McParland family. In addition to the McParlands, Doug Miller, George Luck, Jr, and Tom Jacoby assisted in the preparation and installation of the new lights.

We look forward to having our traditional Holiday Open House – with refreshments and a tree-lighting with singing. We hope all of you can join us next year on Sunday December 5th 2021!

KHS Holiday Open House and Tree Lighting ~ December 1st, 2019

XMAS at Locktender’s House

KHS members, fellow Kingston resident, and many others attended our annual Holiday Open House and Tree Lighting December 1st, 2019 at the Locktender’s House on the D&R Canal. They enjoyed holiday refreshments, decorations by the Kingston Garden Club, the annual tree lighting, and music by the Kingston Womens Chorus.

D&R Canal Videos with commentary

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

Two videos about canals were featured at the Kingston Historical Society meeting at the Kingston Firehouse on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

After some background on the D&R Canal and its past and present importance to Kingston, KHS president Robert von Zumbusch led us through two videos: one, “D&R,” produced and directed by Cliff Crawford in 1976 — before the Canal Park was established; the video included historical footage and interviews with ‘canalers.’ Here is a link for the video on YouTube.

The other, “The Canals of New Jersey,” produced by the Canal Society of New Jersey, provided a comparison with New Jersey’s other navigational canal, the unique Morris Canal, which was very different from the D&R.

(Click photos to view full size)

For more on New Jersey’s canals, we recommend the Canal Society of New Jersey (link)

Drive By History (2015)

Conference on Horseback pictures

Wednesday, 14 Oct 2015, 10:17:14 AM George Luck

From George Luck, Jr.:

Here are the pictures that I referred to last night at the K.H.S. meeting. They were the promotional pictures taken for the “Drive By History” program. Pictured with me are the co-hosts of the show; Ken Magos and Cindy Perman. Ken Magos and Lee Brodie are the co-executive producers of the show. There company is known as South Mountain Theatreworks Television Productions.

You can check out the information on the series at Their contact information is on the website.
