Table of Contents
- About the program
- Video Recording
- Our Presenters
- A Correction regarding the division of New Jersey
- References
About the program
Kingston Firehouse, Tuesday, February 8 at 7:30 PM
From pre-history to the present, Kingston has a “Place in History.” George Luck, Jr and Charlie Dieterich present a survey of moments from the settlement of Kingston, New Jersey. The talk was especially designed for those who are new to town or unfamiliar with our evolution.
Over 40 people attended in person, and 70 online. Those at the firehouse were treated to cookies, hot chocolate and coffee, courtesy of Harbor Chase Assisted Living. www.harborchase.com/
Video Recording
Our Presenters

Chief George Luck, Jr is a life-long resident of Kingston. George is a frequent presenter of programs on the history of Kingston, specializing in colonial and Revolutionary War era. He is a past Fire Chief of the Kingston Volunteer Fire Company #1, currently serving as Deputy Chief.
George is secretary of the Kingston Presbyterian Cemetery (the site of George Washington’s Conference on Horseback in 1777.) He is trustee of the Rockingham Association and long serving Vice President of the Kingston Historical Society. He served as co-chair of Kingston 1999, and also on the Kingston Initiative and task force.

Rev. Charlie Dieterich moved to Kingston in 1983, and joined the Volunteer Fire Company in 1986. Interest in local history began with organizing the first Photo Night at the firehouse. He also co-led “Kingston 1999” celebrations and the 225th anniversary of the Road to Monmouth Battlefield in 2003.
He was founding president of the Kingston Greenways Association and on the board of the Friends of Princeton Nursery Lands. He left Kingston to attend seminary in 2006.
Since his retirement and return to Kingston in 2021, Charlie has become a trustee of the KHS, and active in Amateur Radio.
A Correction regarding the division of New Jersey
In the talk I respond to a question about the ownership of the New Jersey grant, and my response is in error. The map referenced below contains a brief history of the colony, and how it was divided. Here is a photographic excerpt from that map.
As I said, this could easily be the subject of a future talk
– Charlie Dieterich
Excerpt from: A new and accurate map of New Jersey, from the best authorities. [London, 1780] Map. https://www.loc.gov/item/97683600/.

This presentation used many resources available on the Internet (as of 2022)
Here are links to some of them:
[Slide #s, “citation on slide”, Image or information source]
2,3, “1925 NJ Road Map” (Shown modified with “KINGSTON” enlarged) https://www.state.nj.us/transportation/refdata/gis/maps/1925front.pd
4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newark_Basin
5, https://www.state.nj.us/dep/njgs/NJMaps.pdf
This file includes:
“Bedrock Geologic Map of New Jersey” and
“Physiographic Provinces Map of New Jersey”
and “Surficial Geologic Map of New Jersey” showing glacial extent
6, Map from “Glacial Sediment and the Ice Age in New Jersey”
Ron W. Witte, 1998, NJ Geological Survey
7, “USGS 1888” is NJ Princeton 255340-1888 USGS Map (1885)
Or, explore at: https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/
8, The Story Of New Jerseys Civil Boundaries 1608–1968; John F. Snyder, 1969 reprinted by New Jersey Geological Survey 2004.
9, Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, The New York Public Library. “Map no. II : [to accompany A bill in the chancery of New Jersey, at the suit of John, Earl of Stair … against Benjamin Bond].” New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 15, 2022. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47da-f2c2-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 [1747]
10, Worlidge, John, and John Thornton. A new mapp of East and West New Jarsey sic: being an exact survey. [London, 1706] Map. https://www.loc.gov/item/97683601/.
11, Aerial Images came from: https://njgin.nj.gov/njgin/edata/imagery/index.html#!/
11, inset image OpenStreetMaps. © OpenStreetMap contributors
11, drawing by the authors
15-18, Kingston Historical Society collection
19, 20 authors
21, khsnj.org
22, Otley, J. W, James Keily, Lloyd Van Derveer, Edward Herline, and Alex C Stansbie. Map of Middlesex County, New Jersey. Camden, N.J.: L. Van Derveer, 1850. Map. https://www.loc.gov/item/2004629245/.
23, https://njogis-newjersey.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/imagery-warehouse-1930-aerial-image-grid-hosted/explore?location=40.149796%2C-74.760869%2C8.12 data set provider, NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems (NJOIT – OGIS),
23, USGS op.cit..
24,25,45,46,52 Beers, F. W. (Frederick W.) “Topographical map of Middlesex Co., New Jersey. (1872) ” https://www.davidrumsey.com (cropped)
25,45 MILLSTONE VALLEY, Elizabeth G. C. Menzies, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ 1968. (page 82.)
26,27, KHS Post Card Collection
28,30 “NJ Finley-1834 David Rumsey Maps” New Jersey. Engraved by J. H. Young. Published by A. Finley Philada. 1834. (to accompany) A new general atlas, comprising a complete set of maps, representing the grand divisions of the globe … 1836. https://www.davidrumsey.com
29, Snyder op.cit.
30-44 Aerial Images op cit. Data from Snyder op.cit.
46, George Washington Enroute to His Innauguration- Re-enactment 1939 – KHS archive
47, 325th Anniversary Historic Village of Kingston Mug – Charlie Dieterich collection
48, South Brunswick Post July 23, 1986 clipping – George Luck Jr. collection
49-51 KHS
52, Kingston Presbyterian Church from https://kingstonpresbyterian.org/about/
53, KHS Postcard collection
54,55,56 Photos from Kingston Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 collection
59,Kingston Greenways Association kga.org
60, Friends of Princeton Nurserylands fpnl.org
61, Rockingham Historic Site, Rockingham.net
62, authors